Oh Baby…and then some | Amarillo Newborn Photographer

January 26, 2011

We were standing near the foosball table at Silvercliff Ranch in Colorado.  I remember all of us girls standing a bit away from all of those boys.  The ones that were click-clacking the little plastic "men" around and trying to one up each other.  There was lots of giggling and staring and pointing. Who were these strange beings and why did they like playing foosball?  We all stood around, us girls in our camp t-shirts and colored wind shorts, the boys in their Air Jordan's and Girbaud jeans.  They were loud, we were giggly.  Each trying to get each other's attention.  High school.

That was when I first noticed Eric and Tricia noticing each other.  I didn't go to their high school but we were all in the same youth group and when I heard whispers like "Eric and Tricia are going together" I knew they were perfect for each other.  Both sweet and quiet. Their last names were even alphabetical. 

Now they have a little family and are still very sweet.  Their eyes still twinkle when they look at one another and that makes me very happy.  


This session was many things.  Family photos for Christmas cards, newborn photos for baby announcements.  Two precious little girls?  Oh!


And even though the majority of the session would be about the newest little bundle of joy.  I had to get Miss L all by herself.  

With the family pics over and Miss L and daddy off to McDonald's, Mama and I got to focus on sweet baby M.


I love baby lips.  


We had fun playing dress up with different hair doo-dads.  

And then it was time for a break to eat and cuddle.  This little guy gal had been a faithful assistant throughout the morning.  I had to get a pic.



Don't you just want to snuggle her?


Sweet little girl, all tucked in.  


I love newborn shoots.  It's such an honor to be trusted with someone else's tiny treasure.  The sessions are quieter and a bit slower than others. They are calm (hopefully!) and warm.  Mom and I talk and laugh.  I remember my own babies and those precious first days.  Days of cuddling, wonder, joy and newfound love.  What could be better?




I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Tricia Wilkie says:

    We had so much fun taking these pictures and the results are amazing! Thank you Bethany for capturing these moments when Madelyn was only 10 days old! What a treasure!

  2. Heidi says:

    Oh Bethany, what a beautiful photo.s. The one’s with the baby are just so adorable.
    I love your blog.

  3. Rene says:

    I love the fond memories … and the pictures! Absolutely gorgeous family.

  4. Mindy Hawkins says:

    Love the Pictures!!!

  5. Casey says:

    Those are absolutely beautiful photos. and it was so nice of you to let the delivery man be in one as well.

  6. Stephanie smith says:

    Amazing Pictures! Lauren and Madelynn look beautiful!

  7. Sara says:

    These pictures are absolutely fabulous or Tricia and her family.

  8. courtney e. says:

    Beautiful pictures and beautiful family!! Tricia, your girls are adorable! We decided that you all looked like a “first family” in your Christmas card pic! 😉

  9. Kalley Sadler says:

    Beautiful work!! I love the basket pictures!

  10. Amanda Kelleher says:

    What wonderful pictures!! Tricia doesn’t even look tired.

  11. Charee Godwin-Smith says:

    I wanna kiss that baby face!!! FABULOUS pics!

  12. Jamie Graham says:

    Amazing work! Tiny baby feet in the basket—LOVE IT!

  13. Meredith Kunkle says:

    With miles between me & my dear old friends, the (beautiful!) photos are such a great way to stay connected. It’s almost as though I have gotten to hold sweet Madelyn and play with Lauren! Miss them all like crazy!

  14. melanie paul says:

    These pictures are amazing. I absolutely love the pictures of Madelyn in the basket and Lauren’s pictures are beautiful and perfect. I have to agree with the Edwards comment… you guys definitely could be a “first family.” Ha! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Jerry Wilkie says:

    The pictures of my precious granddaughters will be treasured forever. They are both so beautiful and are loved so much by their Grandpa. Thank you so much for capturing their beauty and innocence. I am also very proud of my Wonderful Daughter in Law and my Son.

  16. Jenny Kirkland says:

    So beautiful!!!

  17. Libby Bunn says:

    Love the pictures! They are truly amazing!

  18. Laura Gadberry says:

    Such beautiful pictures!

  19. Monica Terrell says:

    Gorgeous, of course!! Bethany you did an outstanding job. Lauren you did too. Beautiful family.
    Can you work your magic on my 9 year old son?

  20. Cody Rogers says:

    What great pictures. You even managed to make Eric look somewhat straight!!

  21. Jennifer says:

    Truly gorgeous photographs of a beautiful family!

  22. stephanie wehner says:

    In a word – beautiful. Beautiful big sister. Beautiful baby. Beautiful family. I just wish Bethany was in Dallas. 🙂

  23. Alisha Cato says:

    Love these!! They are just beautiful!!

  24. Lisa Magee says:

    Gorgeous! Very proud to be the great Aunt! Bethany, you have fabulous talent.

  25. Randi says:

    Great Pictures and a Great Story. I love happy endings….

  26. Traci Bentley says:

    Absolutely precious. I know a lot of our friends have used her. She is really great. I need to set up an appt very soon.

  27. Donna sellers says:

    Oh my so precious. All of you!,!!! Great work!!!

  28. Sarah says:

    Beautiful gils!!

  29. Melissa Purser says:

    I love,love these pics. She did such an amazing job. Your girls are so beautiful!!

  30. Karin says:

    Beautiful Pictures.

  31. Gayla Mathis says:

    So sweet! All the pictures are beautiful!

  32. Theresa Rueb says:

    What a sweet story and a wonderful and beautiful little family. They are the all American family. The pictures are so precious.

  33. Liz Brown says:

    Such beautiful pictures of a beautiful and sweet family!!

  34. Helen Hornsby says:

    Beautiful family — awesome pictures!

  35. Eric says:

    You did a fantastic job. The pics turned out great!!

  36. Whitney says:

    What beautiful pictures. Tricia and Eric, you have a beautiful family! So happy for you.

  37. Courtney says:

    Precious, precious pictures! So sweet!

  38. Cory Ramsey says:

    The pictures are great! Who is the dude in the first picture? Could you crop him out? 🙂

  39. Audrey says:

    Beautiful pictures! What a sweet family.

  40. Steve M. says:

    Great pictures of a great family.

  41. Michele rose says:

    Love them!! Bethany did a fabulous job!! Cute and original.

  42. Dawn says:

    These pictures are just beautiful. How much is it for you to do photos in New England?

  43. Karen Grice says:

    Bethany, you are a fabulous photographer just as Tricia said. These pictures are absolutely gorgeous! From a doting Great Aunt who lives too far away to visit, I’m so happy I got to see them. Tricia, thank you for keeping me in the loop.

  44. Janis Smith says:

    Even though I’m the proud Great Aunt, I have to say these photos are amazing! It’s the best I’ve seen of Lauren. You must know how to turn on the charm Bethany! I’ve shown your pictures to all my friends and they agree you really know how to make a baby look like a little angel. Thank you so much for capturing the love this family shares.

  45. Tom Smith says:

    These are beautiful photos to treasure forever!

  46. Ron Woodall says:

    Innocence is God’s greatest gifts.
    , McKinney, TX

  47. shanna collins says:

    beautiful pics of beautiful baby girls! i love baby lips too!

  48. Jeanne Woodall says:

    These pictures are just beautiful. A very nice presentation. Bethany you have quite a talent for capturing the moment.

  49. Alex says:

    Oh my gosh, my heart just melted! What a beautiful family!

  50. Sue Gunnels says:

    Oh….My….Goodness! Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family. Great work Bethany.

  51. Bob Wilkinson says:

    This is a precious memory forever of my two beautiful granddaughters and their wonderful mother and daddy. We could not ask for anything better. Thank you for capturing this beautiful time in their lives.
    Love you all!
    Big Daddy

  52. Trudy Keeling says:

    What a gorgeous family! Tricia, why do you not look tired- what is your secret?! Beautiful shots, love them all!!

  53. Jo Lynn Wilkinson says:

    We love the pictures of our precious little angels and their sweet Mommy and Daddy and Bandit, too. We can see the love that Lauren has for her baby sister, Madelyn, and the love that the whole family shares. Bethany, you have a real talent for capturing these precious moments. We will always cherish our beautiful pictures.

  54. Hollye Hawkins says:

    Bethany’s pictures make it appear that your life has some order to it. I’m jealous!

  55. Emmy Watkins says:

    Love these pictures! Such a sweet and beautiful family!



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