Palo Duro

October 26, 2005

We went to Palo Duro Canyon this past weekend.  I always love going there.  It is our "nature" here in the Texas Panhandle.  When Russell and I lived in Boston, there are so many state parks and wildlife refuges to visit.   We had somewhere beautiful to go every weekend and it didn’t take long till you got to a place with fewer people than animals and trees.  I love that.  So here in the Panhandle, there is this one state park (correct me if I’m wrong people)  and boy is it beautiful.  I spent three summers out there performing in Texas the Musical Drama at the Pioneer Amphitheater.  We performed outside every night except Sundays – rain or shine.  I absolutely loved that experience and even though the play has sinced changed, (TEXAS  ended its run after 35+ seasons and is no longer performed. Texas Legacies is the new play with new directors and new staff and lots of politics….sigh) I still get teary-eyed when thinking of those wonderful carefree summers.  When I was out there, underneath the big Texas sky performing for thousands of people and singing and dancing and making wonderful friendships….it was fun.  I so wish that the internet had been "bigger" then – I have lost touch with so many people that I could have stayed in contact with had it been for email….

But I digress.

Like I said, I always love to go out there.  To breath the fresh air and see the red clay dirt and get it all over you cause it’s dusty.  To see little lizards (and hopefully not rattlesnakes!) running across the road and pointing them out to Colin and Benjamin.  To just be alive and in nature.


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. leigh ann says:

    oh man–i remember so many fun times at the canyon. we’ve got to take the kids there–always seem like we’re up there when it’s freezing cold or over 100 degrees in the shade though. still want to take them to Wonderland, too. 🙂

  2. danielle says:

    FANTASTIC photo! love colin in the background. 😉



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