
May 24, 2007

Coca_cola_with_border_cs to open a separate Etsy shop just for my photographs and paper goods.  I didn’t want my jewelry store getting all "muckity-muck" with a hodge-podgey (like those words?) mess of things.  I’m excited about focusing on photography a bit more and offering fun things like triptychs  (know what those are?) and fine art notecards and of course, beautiful art for your walls!  Check back often for new images and artwork as I’ll be adding to the shop often.

Pink_annie I can’t believe that little Gillian Renรฉ will be five weeks old tomorrow.  Wow how time flies…she is sleeping for longer periods now – only usually during the day instead of when I would like her to – ๐Ÿ™‚

She is fuzzy-headed and chubby-cheeked and we love her! 

In other news, I killed a black widow spider the the other day in the backyard.  Rest assured it wasn’t near any 6 year olds or 2 year olds or even dogs or cats…but it was near ME and that is enough to give me latent arachnophobia.  I sprayed enough bug spray down in its little web for long enough that I probably killed it and melted it…

Summer started today for Colin – the last day of kindergarten and he’s so much bigger and more mature (well….) than he was back in August.  Can’t believe it.  Let the circus begin.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Five weeks…wowie. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ick, ick, ick about the spider!



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