Okay. Here's the deal. I've tried to write this blog post three different times and have erased this blog post three different times. I started to write something about the chuga being a stinker (but then realize that I probably don't need to tell you all over again). I also started to write about my lack of motivation but then that came off as kind of whiny….(do NOT whine). I also started to just post a picture but then that made me feel bad because I wouldn't want you to think that I don't feel like talking. 'Cause I do. I'm just having one of those "all-I-did-today-was-laundry-and-clean-the-house-days" and so nothing too exciting happened to me. Except maybe that I saw that my orchid might be trying to grow….or the fact that Gillian asked if there were hippopotamus tracks in the snow (to her credit there were rabbit tracks – so it's just logical there would be hippo tracks too!) Benjamin made me a heart and is writing "Ben" on everything out of sheer laziness (the "jamin" part just take s tooo long.) And Colin is…nine ('nuf said).
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..