School, Decorating and such…

August 23, 2005

Hi!  Long time, no blogging, huh?!  I’ve been in "hermit" mode lately and have been just vegging out with the family.  This happens to me about every six months – just want to crawl under a rock (well…maybe into a nice flowerbed) and hide out from everything.  I think it is my need to refresh and regroup that makes me this way.

Colin started pre-school today and although I was a bit weepy when dropping him off, I knew how excited he was and I was so excited for him.  He ran in his room and immediately started playing, stopping only long enough to go and get his backpack out of his basket and show it to his new teachers and the school director.  "Look!  Miss Tana!!!  Look at my new spider-man backpack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  It makes me just grin to think about it.

Of course, being the scrapbooker and historian of my family, I had to take some pictures.  It is hard to get a four-year-old boy to be still.  I finally got some good ones without that "fake smile" by being silly and acting goofy and he finally laughed at me.

In other developments, I went to the grocery store and while there, picked up the new Domino magazine.  This is soo up my alley and I just drool over the pictures.  The way the designers use color is amazing – this is scrapbook inspiration (and all-over inspiration) for sure.  I can’t wait to dig into it more…..

So, not much else going on around here.  We worked in the yard this past week and weekend and it is looking so great.  It has rained alot here in the TX Panhandle and so the grass is lush.  It’s so nice to go out there and see green.




I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. leigh ann says:

    oh my–he looks so BIG! Blake started school yesterday–he loved it, too! They are growing up too fast!

  2. Heather says:

    Awesome pictures Bethany! He is getting SO big! And the hermit mode is totally okay …. coming from one that does it too! 😉



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