
August 23, 2007

Dsc_0049519 make a nice long blog post.  BUT I should be playing with the kids in the last week of summer. 

We’ve had a great one although it has flown by and I’m a bit sad that next week, Colin will be somewhere else more than here.  Dsc_0058518 I like having my children around even though sometimes they drive me up the wall!  Especially when it’s so mosquito-y out.  We all had fun at our local Wonderland Park this past week…it was nice and cool and not too many crowds.  I’ve been going there since I was there age and it’s still fun…even more so when you get to watch your children have a blast.

Dsc_0061490 I’ve been working very hard on some large Annie and Olive orders lately….mostly that’s the reason I haven’t been around here as much!  It’s been fun making all of these and they were so cute all packaged up, I wanted to keep them (sort of….) Dsc_0065491 I was very ready to get these out the door! 

I’ve also been really working on having some type of schedule.  I have it written down and have tried to schedule time slots for things such as checking email/correspondence,  packaging and shipping items, and creating.  I’m dividing my day up in a pretty strict manner and so I hope to actually make it work.  I’ll be heading back to soon and so must use my time more efficiently so I can get my projects completed without pulling my hair out or letting my children or my dh (dear husband) starve.

I’ll let you know how the schedule works!  Right now, I’m two minutes late for being OFF the computer for the afternoon. 🙂


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Carmen says:

    Setting a schedule is really tough, isn’t it?? I’m getting better at my routines, but juggling them within a 24-hour period — ugh. Love the amusement park photo — actually, I love all the photos! 🙂 Annie is so cute. 🙂

  2. Leah says:

    Seeing all that Annie and Olive together like that is so cute!!



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