Tender – EDITED

February 17, 2010

Oh man.  You might remember that my sweet hubby is in Central America (Nicaragua to be exact) on a mission trip with 8 other amazing God centered and Jesus following individuals.  I have (of course) closely followed this trip.  Not feeling led to go myself but soo wishing I was there.  They are visiting and ministering groups of children that live in some of the poorest conditions in the Western Hemisphere.  Children that are outcast….abandoned…orphaned….of no worth in their own society even to their own parents (if they're lucky enough to have them).  Most of them (all of them?) live in La Chureca – the city dump.  Literally digging through the trash everyday to find food or recyclables to sell.  They live in tin shacks within the piles of trash that are lit ablaze by the city.  EDIT:  When searching around for a good video "explanation" of the conditions of La Chureca, I stumbled upon this:  Dia de Luz  While this is not what Russell is doing specifically (they are visiting the schools, orphanages and hospitals), it does show the conditions.    With that noted, part of me cringes a bit about going into these peoples community en masse…it is their home! Russell's group didn't leave their van and I don't have pictures to share as they decided as a group not to take any.  END OF EDIT

I've gotten to Skype with Russell two nights in a row which has been good for my nerves, my emotions and my sanity.  Knowing your husband is walking into the furnace and praying he comes out unscathed (but not necessarily unchanged) is difficult to say the least!  Our faith is the most important part of our lives and we are so blessed and thankful for whatever journey this takes us on – what it begins or what it ends.  

Before Russell left I bought him a cheapy camera knowing that he might have it consfiscated or stolen and he needed something small and inconspicuous.  Nothing flashy.  Russell doesn't blog but another team member (and great friend of ours) Brooks Boyett does and is also on the trip.  Follow their story here.  Russell took the pictures that are posted and I "stole" one off the site.  I think I'm allowed.  :)

These faces are too precious and tender for words.  


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leigh Ann says:

    B-so thrilled and awed that Russell is doing this! What a beautiful way to be the “hands and feet of Christ” for those who need Him most. We are praying for him and the team and you and the kids at home who are missing and supporting him. Love to you all!



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