The time has come – PHOTO GIVEAWAY – WINNER ANNOUNCED | Amarillo TX Family Photography

April 1, 2010

We have a winner!!!  After over 200 entries, BRIE GOMEZ wins the prize!!!  She entered 5 times and sent me a yummy Cheesy Veggie Tortellini recipe I can't wait to try out.  :)

Brie – send me an email and we'll discuss your session date/time!  Yippee!

Oh dear friends I have waited to share with you!  Today is April, one of my favorite times of year.  The trees are blooming, the grass is greening.  I can wear my flip-flops with ease and the children can run and run and run in the fresh air!  Birds return to the yard, toads hop around, I make my yearly trek to the nursery of dreams (more on that in the future) and my coffee and verses in the morning are on the porch in the sun with sweet children playing at my feet.  My darling little one will be turning three this month (Oh!!) and I've decided to have a month of giveaways.  

A month!


Today begins giveaway #1 and I am so hopeful that you will be excited too.  I hope you are because if not I (I have to admit) will cry bitterly.  Okay.  Not really but you know….. 😉


Today's giveaway will be……

 One Free Session and $150 in print credits.

  Family? Children? Newborn? Maternity? Teens? Engagment?  Even Bridal!  

This giveaway is worth $200!! 

Here are the deets:


Your name will be entered based on the number of points you earn.  Each point is worth one entry.  You may earn points by doing any (or ALL) of the following activities:

Worth 1 POINT each:

~Tweet about this contest or about Bethany Fields Photography in your Twitter status.

~Post about this contest or about Bethany Fields Photography in your Facebook status.

~Become a fan of BFPhotography on Facebook

~Follow us on Twitter

~Comment on this blog post

Worth 3 POINTS each:

~Refer friends and have them enter.  

~Send me a yummy recipe.  I <heart> eating.

Note:  You may repeat the same task, but it will NOT increase the number of points earned.  In other words, you can send us ten recipes (he) but I will only count the first one…:)  Unless there's chocolate involved.  Then we'll talk.

Afterwards, email us at .  Include your name and your total number of entries in the subject heading.  In the body of your email, type a list of everything you completed including the verifiable links.  


I am so excited about this giveaway.  I hope you are too!  There will be many other fun giveaways to announce throughout the month.  I have gift cards, fun Etsy things, jewelry, clothes, an airplane (okay not really but that would be cool), and art!  

I will randomly select a winner next Thursday, April 8, 2010.  I will be posting other giveaways between now and then so check back often!  

Tell your friends and family!  




I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Bethany says:

    No I am not eligible to enter as um…I take the pictures. But I’m posting a comment so you won’t have to be the first. 🙂 Comments are my friend.

  2. Ashli Parkhurst says:

    I absolutely adore your work! My sister, Sydnee, babysat for you: referred by Sarah Plemons! You do an amazing job!! 🙂

  3. sydnee parkhurst says:

    I babysat for you, and my sister, Ashli, referred me! I loved your kids and can’t wait to do it again.

  4. Emily Kidd says:

    yay bethany! i am so excited 🙂 and i cant not believe how fast miss gillian has grown! we would love to have you take pictures of our sweet ax man.

  5. Lori says:

    Hey!! You are so sweet for doing this! Love your pics! Remember, if I win, we have a deal goin’!! 🙂

  6. Jennifer Black says:

    What a fun and exciting idea. =] I’m super duper excited to try and win. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you photograph Miss Allie Jean. =]

  7. Brook McGinnis says:

    Hurray! I’m in Florida, but would love a session when I visit home…and I’d love to catch up with you, lady!

  8. Bananasandrice says:

    We need pics so bad!!! Hope to win!!

  9. Heidi says:

    What a beautiful photo’s. Great colours.

  10. Bethany says:

    Oh beautiful day! So glad you all are entering. 🙂

  11. Brie says:

    I just wanted to make sure my comment went through. Beautiful photos

  12. Chesna Ellis says:

    I’m entering too! The photos are amazing…but the time with YOU is more amazing!

  13. Jennifer Petersen says:

    I’m so happy for the chance to have you take pics of my sweet babies! Your work is amazing!

  14. Bethany says:

    You all know how to make a girl feel great….:) Thanks all!

  15. Shaye Warner says:

    I would love to win a session with you. But…if not, I will be contacting you soon to schedule an appt. I will be home at the end of April and I really would love if you could take our pics!

  16. Marcela says:

    I just got engaged and would love to win this! 🙂 I’m Dre’s big sister and live in Chicago (well right outside)and would love to have engagement photos before our wedding in August! Thanks, you are also a great photographer. Dre has said some awesome things about you. Thought I would give this a shot. 🙂

  17. Marci Muno says:

    Wouldn’t this be a dream? Almost as good as Brad Pitt and cheese… Love you!

  18. Sarah Wilson says:

    Our family would be honored to have our pictures taken by the One and Only Bethany Fields! 🙂

  19. Stephanie Striley says:

    Ok, I’m in!!! I love your work and would LOVE to have you photograph our growing family! 🙂



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