What we did this Summer

August 25, 2008

1. Camp Running Rabbit (Carlsbad, New Mexico) 2.  Carlsbad Caverns 3. Sitting Bull Falls 4. Roasting Marshmallows 5. The Living Desert 6. Fire Truck Rides 7. Camp Mountain Bird (Raton, N.M.) 8. Sugarite Canyon 9. Coal Mine Living History Tour 10. Chokecherry Jelly 11. Lake Dorothey, CO (Wildlife Preserve) 12. Cimarron Canyon 13. Eagle's Nest 14. Angel Fire Mountain Bike Race 15. Bunjee-Jump Trampoline Things 16. Red River (Motorcycle Rally) 17. Lunch on Lot 18. Fairy Slipper Orchid Miracle 19. Benjamin's Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese 20. Cub Scout Camp 21. Ruidoso 22. Walking in River 23. Seeing a Bear 24. Colin Jumped out of Swing! 25. Went Fishing (and caught some) 26. Slingshots at the Thunderbird 27. Wall-E 28. Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D 29. Discovery Center – (yurt) 30. Wonderland 31. The Farm 32. The Zoo 33. Palo Duro Canyon 34. Swimming Pool (over and over) 35. Learned to Swim! 36. Colin gets Glasses 37. William's Birthday in Dallas 38. Rode Four-Wheelers 39. Played Baseball 40. Vacation Bible School in Lubbock 41. Zodie's House 42.Science Spectrum 43. Grand Canyon OMNI Movie 44. TEXAS Musical Drama 45. Saw a Rattlesnake! 46. Rode (and drove) Golf-carts 47. Messiah's House Summer Fun Days 48. New Clothes 49. The Mall 50.  Brody's Birthday Party (Glow-in-the-Dark Miniature Golf) 51. Luke's Birthday Party (Baseball and Flag-Football) 52. Launched Rockets 53.  Flew Kites 53. The Library 54. Practiced Skateboarding 55. Skate Park 56. Botanical Gardens 57. Father's Day Cookout 58. Cemetery 59. Watched Olympics (Michael Phelps!) 60. X-Games 61. Played with Blake 62. Snow-Cones 63. Drove Tractor 64. Swans at Medi-Park 65. Ice Cream with Gamama 66. Visiting Grandma and Grandpa 67. Rode Bikes to Park 68. Played UNO 69. Read Books 70. Ruby Tequila's 71. Church Picnic 72. Emma's Party 73. Kaitlyn's Party at the Pool 74. Red Robin

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heidi says:

    You and your family must have a great summer.



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