Apologies | Amarillo Family Photography

May 5, 2010

My most sincere apologies for neglecting you so….


It is a busy and exciting time.  Weddings, seniors and families….and other fun things going on here….like for instance….

Today I am getting a pedicure from my sweet 5 year old at his "Mother's Day Tea"  - oh!  I can't wait!

Editing, editing and editing some more.  

School track meets and lots of end of the year activities.

Plans for camping.

The house devours me with it's messiness. (this one is not so fun).

Giveaways to list. 

On that note, my most sincere apology goes out.  My "month" of giveaways has turned into something so much more!  I have many items to give to you and am anxiously awaiting time to devote to this.  I will be listing a new giveaway THIS WEEK and it (really, "they") hail all the way from Singapore.  eeeeee!!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Brie says:

    Love this picture. A pedicure sounds so fun! Where are you camping? You should try Mueller State Park outside of Colorado springs. It’s very family friendly but not really roughing it if that’s what you like. We have to compromise; I’d rough but Eric needs to shower!:)

  2. Bethany says:

    Oh the pedicure WAS fun. I have snazzy mint green AND red toenails. 🙂 My Benjamin did a great job.
    We are going to Santa Fe! It’s a Memorial Day tradition. Will have to check out Mueller though – we don’t mind nice but we also like to rough it!!



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