April 13, 2007

Such_a_boy Just a simple "older" layout.  Benjamin sure wasn’t too happy after eating this dirt! 🙂

I used some clear plastic letters and then applied some alcohol inks to achieve the orange coloring.  Also just a simple border of decorative tape, a cut out quote and a dictionary page! 

While talking paper-crafts, my friend Tricia has her new webisode out on CraftTVWeekly.com today!  It is a really unique project and she also talks about a great organization you can check out at this link.

Dsc_0016_2cs I ventured out into the backyard the other day and took some pictures of our only blooming tree.  I’ve been experimenting with my new lens.  It’s a lot harder to use than I first anticipated and am going to have to practice!  As you all know, I love to take my "flower pictures" and with it being Spring and almost planting season (for our zone anyway), I’m really excited about it!  I’m having a hard time with adjusting the lens and finding the "sweet-spot" of focus so hopefully with some usage, I’ll get it figured out.  No outside shots for me today though, it’s too cold and rainy!

So…..my plans for the day include the ever-exciting tasks of  laundry and grocery shopping….blech.  I’ve been making a goal that Friday is "laundry day" because I really despise stacks of laundry hanging around the house for the entire weekend and week!  I like getting it finished and put away before the weekend so we can focus on other things we need/want to do.  Since we’re probably rained in for much of the weekend, those "things" are probably cooking and freezing meals for after the baby and shopping for car-seats…I’m sure the boys will be thrilled.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Okay…LOL…sometimes I look at your pictures and wonder, “Do we live on the same planet??” Love looking at the world through your lens! 🙂



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