May 2, 2005

100_4104 What is this??? SNOW in MAY in TEXAS?  I woke up this morning to a fresh blanket on our newly planted flowers, veggies and other plants.  The oak tree which has diligently put out new leaves all week is covered in snow!

Now, I like snow.  I even LOVE snow.  But not in May.  Not when I'm supposed to be wearing flip-flops and digging in my garden and watching the boys play. (see post from yesterday)

Oh well.  I'm sure it will melt. (that's a foregone conclusion)  I'm sure the sun will shine again… (now I'm just being dramatic) but for now, I'll just take my lemons and make lemonade (or better yet, hot chocolate! 😉

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heather says:

    That is too funny…SNOW!!! We had it a couple of weeks ago but not yesterday…crazy weather! 😉

  2. Jules says:

    Yep. The same we woke up to here in MN too! GAK bring on MAY – I AM being dramatic 🙂

  3. Leigh Ann says:

    heard on the news this morning there was snow in the panhandle–unfreakingbelievable! It’s cool here, but not like that–60 for a high, cloudy, dreary, looks like rain. I want my sunshine back!
    We’re definitely coming Memorial Day weekend and so are David and Karen.
    see you then

  4. Elizabeth says:

    SNOW??? Wow! It’s VERY cold here, but no snow! But look at the great photo(s?) you got!



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