New Year’s Catchup

January 5, 2007

Well I have to admit that when life gets busy, the first thing to get neglected is my little blog-home.  I guess I know it’s here when I want to share photos or funny stories or recipes…(yeah, right! haha!)

Anyway, in lieu of posting a big long post about the craziness of the holidays – rest assured that we had a wonderful time, saw lots of family, ate lots of food, rejoiced in the blessings of the past year, had lots of laughs and made a lot of memories.

I’ve been meaning to post updated information about my Etsy Shop to those of you interested in my pieces – and just keep forgetting (or really NOT forgetting but just putting it off).  Here is a pic of one of my new pieces from my new collection.  Love!!

Bw_rose_tile_2_1 I’ve been working really hard on my jewelry line that I sell on the Etsy site.  It’s addictive and fun!  I personally love having another hobby than scrapbooking and papercrafting to help me "get through" the times when I’m feeling uncreative and blocked.   It was also fun to make jewelry as gifts for family and friends.  I could really customize each piece to fit personality types and style and that made it challenging and fun.  Of course, I wanted to keep every single one of the pieces but wisely, didn’t…lol!

This rose photo tile necklace is my favorite of "the new batch."  I love making this little works of art and love wearing them! 

I plan on posting more of my jewelry more often on my blog – and so many other things I think about all the time. 

For now though, blessings to you all in the new year (2007  – can you believe it!?) and check back often for the elusive "recipes" that are in my head….


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Simone says:

    Your photography, scrapbooking & jewellery design is just incredible. I came across your blog accidentally and felt totally inspired after viewing your works of art. Take care,Simone xxoo

  2. Leah says:

    Aww…this rose photo one is super pretty, B! Great photos of it too!



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