T-Minus 7

January 10, 2007

I have seven days from today until I leave for another CraftTVWeekly shoot.  That means must finish up projects and that means making lists and prioritizing!!  I worked all day yesterday on one project and came up with something that made me smile…so all is good.  Now to finish and then work on step pieces.

(Speaking of…check out this week’s project)


So…the countdown begins.  Luckily (???) this weekend is supposed to be freezing (highs in the teens) and snowing and ici-ing and so that’ll keep me inside and creating!

In other news, I finally ordered a new lens through B H Photo.  So pumped to receive it!!  I’ve wanted this great portrait lens for awhile and since my fixed focus lens ain’t up to par, I really hope this one is crisp and fast and clean.  Can’t wait to get it and experiment…gotta be prepared for new baby!! 🙂

Speaking of which…really starting to dream up baby ideas and wanting to get the house all in order…(nesting, anyone?)  I have so much to do (including getting the boys in the same room) but luckily I’ve got a helpful husband and lots of ideas.  Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to make my baby boy nursery look baby girl without lots of "do-over."  The room is green right now (and it’s staying that way) and the curtains are blue gingham and denim – I love them.  My mom made them and so I really want to "revamp" them someway.  Suggestions on making blue look girly?


See?  Perfect!  Girly AND blue!!  🙂


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Congrats on the new lens! Can’t wait to see you rock it. 🙂 I feel like I’ve seen a few pretty blue/green rooms lately. Where oh where though? Random blogs? PB Teen, Kids and Baby catalogs? I’ll have to remember to bookmark if I come across anymore. That sample image really is perfect! Good find. It reminds me of things I’ve seen on Cath Kidston: http://www.cathkidston.com/



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