It’s been one year! I can’t believe it and yet, I can. We’ve had the most wonderful 365 days. We had a party on Saturday and had friends and family over….spent all week cleaning and organizing and pink’ifying the house. 🙂 The yard still can’t decide if it’s Winter, Spring or Summer and today starts a new week and a new year.
I know I haven’t been here as much lately. Life has gotten busy with baseball and cub scouts and gymnastics and church and trying to fit in a nap here and there! Annie boo is as sweet and girly as ever – delighting us with her everyday antics and "ba ba goo gee dada bo bo bee too ta tee ma ma mae meme" chatter. She’ll be walking anyday and I’ve got the camera charged and ready. Only six more weeks of school. Hooray!! Trying to figure out summer plans and house improvements and all the while living each day.
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
Bee-ootiful! It is the living each day that makes it all worth it, yes? Yes.
OMG I can’t believe she is a year!!! And look at how cute you are with bangs!!! 😉 Happy Happy birthday to your little girl!!! 😉
Happy Birthday to your Precious Annie! I love you and your sweet family! Hope it was a perfect day!