“project week” day 4

May 19, 2005


  • put two coats of paint on little stool and a fun little jewelry box
  • took old magazines/idea books/papers/stickers up to Colin's school for donation or whoever wants them
  • planted last of the flowers in the front yard pots
  • cleaned out car (sort of)
  • am about 1/2 way through uploading all my cd's onto my new iPod

still to do:

  • move wedding boxes and memorabilia into closet
  • organize kitchen cabinets (especially the dishes)
  • organize all of Colin's 2-3 size clothes and pack away
  • finishg cleaning out car
  • take recycling
  • sweep out garage

These are my "need to do's" for this week.  I would post my "want to do's" but then I could be typing all night!


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    You should come to my house next time you want project week! (You know the way!) My list is soooo long and it’s not getting any shorter.

  2. Alana says:

    What Elizabeth said, lol!
    What colour is your stool? Can we see it?

  3. Carmen says:

    Yup yup — what they said. 😀 My poor bedraggled, winter-killed, dandelion-infested lawn really needs some loving. (Actually, it needs to be re-sodded, which we’re going to do ASAP.) Come north, Bethany. 😀



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