Which Color?

April 20, 2005

Well here I am again!  Two days in a row! Yahoo!  It's a miracle! The boys slept late this morning so that was nice – it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day!  I've been thinking more about what I want to do with the house – I'm excited to go to the paint store and pick out fresh new colors for the walls.  I love painting!

Now, if I just loved the "getting ready to" part!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Danielle says:

    I hear ya! I’m wanting to repaint 2 rooms… well one, the kitchen, because I sprayed milk all over the walls (don’t ask), so that will be repainted – it’s neutral green now, but i’m going for more of a lime green this time around.
    I have a “red room”, we call it, but it’s actually like a terra cotta color. It has an Indian/Asian type decor… i want to repaint it pink… like a fuscia… like that rich pink you see in Indian Saris? I have that pink in a tapestry in the wall. I think that would be more cheerful than terra cotta.
    You’re RIGHT! The getting ready part is the worst! Lol! Do you tape off the borders, or do you have a steady hand? I have no steady hand, so therefore, i tape. Yuck.
    Post photos when you’re done Bethany! 🙂



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