It's a record! Just trying out some new things and also wanting to link some friends.
And just because I wanted to start typing here is my list of need to do and want to do (not all of "need" are bad things – some are fun! Just more "pressing" than my "wants)
Put away B and C's too-small clothes
Clean little room
Laundry (again!)
Mop kitchen floor
Pay bills
Go through old magazines
Clean under sink
Laundry (ha!)
Scrapbook for work
Paint little room fabulous creative color
Read more books (like Succulant Wild Women and The Artist's Way)
Play with B and C in the back yard
Train with Harry the dog
Paint boys bathroom fabulous boy bathroom color
Plant flowers!
Go for long walks
Hang pictures in hallway (I guess I need frames first, huh?)
Go shopping at fabulous make-believe store where everything is my size and I don't have to try on a zillion pairs of jeans to find the perfect one. Cute jewelry too!
Scrapbook for me
And just for the heck of it…
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..