the livin’ is easy…..

May 24, 2005

Today was Colin's last day of "school."  His teachers have been wonderful to him all year; he loves going and truly has learned a lot!  Thanks Miss Missy and Miss Leslie for teaching Colin!!

So, we have a whole summer ahead of us.  I so vividly remember the "last day of school" and how BIG a deal it was.  Kids would throw all of their papers up in the air and they would collect like snowdrifts in the hallway.  (Of course, me being the nerd I was and am, never  threw my papers in the hallway)  We would run out of the building and race home and feel so free.  These memories were made when I was much older than Colin is now and he has many years of school ahead of him…and many summer vacations.  This summer we want to:

  • go to the library and listen to storytime
  • go to the swimming pool and maybe take lessons
  • eat lots of popsicles
  • run in the Elmo Sprinkler
  • go to the mountains
  • go hiking in Palo Duro Canyon
  • go to the zoo
  • have friends over to play
  • get a swingset

What are your plans for summer vacation?


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Jules says:

    YAY! Colin looks so happy :0) We are traveling this summer: Oregon and Denver.

  2. Carmen says:

    Your boy is so stinking cute!! Just had to say that. 😀 Summer plans. Umm… working?? Gosh, we are so boring. Well, let’s see. On the practical side, we’re hoping to renovate our deck, which is very old and wasn’t made all that well. Lots of work there. And we’re going to FINALLY finish some work in our basement — baseboards, painting, mouldings, window casements, etc. On the fun side, we’re going to an authors’ festival (the Festival of Words in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), a two-day church camp and of course the midnight launch party for Harry Potter 6. 😉

  3. Leah says:

    Happy end o’ the year! 🙂 Your summer sounds full and fun. I see a few popsicles in my future too…



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